Hemp Essential Oil

Category: ,



Latin Name:   Cannabis sativa

Country of Origin: NEO England, UK

Overseas only:  This oil is classified as flammable and will incur Hazmat shipping for overseas, please see further information below

This is probably the only UK produced hemp essential oil currently available. Produced by the steam distillation of the flowering tops of the cannabis sativa plant. The plant grows to a height of over 10 feet (3 metres) tall in our fertile soils and there is no need for any pesticide application as it grows very fast away from any weeds and smothers them. Grown under licence this plant is specially selected due to having virtually no THC (tetrahydrocanibol) present. Tested by a UK Home Office registered laboratory this oil contains no THC.

This oil is classed as flammable and requires extra HAZMAT costs for shipping by air. If you select this product and are not in the UK we will contact you by e-mail with costs of special flammable shipping rates. Please e-mail for further details before you order. We apologise for this, but it is now illegal to transport flammable goods by air without proper packing and documentation.


Additional information

Weight N/A
Bottle Size

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SDS Information

SDS Hemp